NAME: | Dr. Rosemary Bulyaba |
EMAIL: |, |
TEL: | +256751410882,+256789495326 |
I hold a PhD in crop production and physiology with a minor in sustainable agriculture from Iowa State University, USA. My graduate research work during MS and PhD was focused on studying various aspects of leguminous crops as detailed in the research section. My work previously focused on grain legumes – cowpea, common bean, lablab and soybean in line with nutrition sensitive agriculture and agronomic management practices. Part of this research work focused on utilization of legume leaves as leafy vegetables or forage, the nutritional composition of these leaves, leaf harvesting recommendations and the impact that leaf harvesting may have on yield especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where legume leaves are part of diets. This is addition to studies to determine how leaf harvesting may impact legumes’ potential to fix nitrogen. I have also undertaken studies to determine the impact of seed applied fungicides and Bradyrhizobium inoculation in legumes on yield; determine the impact of environment on yield and nutrition of common beans in a study done in multiple locations in the USA and Uganda. I also did a project in Uganda to determine optimum limestone application rates for acid soils and the impact that these rates may have on yield and, iron and zinc concentrations in newly released high iron-zinc bio-fortified common beans. I have published four papers in reputable scientific journals and continue to work on others to be published later.
I have worked with Ankom technology for sequential fiber analysis and near infrared spectroscopy for grain quality and agrochemical control and analysis. I hold experience in working with different Microsoft Office tools and other analytical tools, including SPSS and SAS. I have served in a consulting capacity on the USAID funded project to assess youth engagement in private sector extension and advisory services in Uganda. I currently work as a senior lecturer and head of department with Uganda Christian University’s Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and supervise a number of graduate students. I am passionate about food and nutritional security and how they are impacted by cropping systems and management and look forward to working students, farmers and researchers through a career in academia.
Senior Research Assistant February 2020 – March 2020
Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS)
Project title: Youth engagement in private sector extension and advisory services study, under the USAID FTF Developing Local Extension Capacity (DLEC) project, Kampala, Uganda
Graduate Research Fellow, Legume Scholar (Ph.D.) May 2015 – December 2019
Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
Major Professors: Andrew Lenssen and Kenneth Moore
Project title 1: Genotype by environment effects on yield and grain nutrient composition of common bean
Project title 2: Limestone application effects on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield and grain iron and zinc on a Ferralsol
Project title 3: Effect of leaf harvesting on nodulation and yield in common bean and cowpea
Graduate Research Assistant (M.S.) May 2013 – August 2015
Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
Major Professor: Andrew Lenssen
Project title 1: Nutritional composition of grain legume leaves and the impact of leaf removal on yield
Project title 2: Influence of Bradyrhizobium inoculation and fungicide seed treatment on development and yield of cowpea, lablab and soybean
Undergraduate Student June 2010 – August 2010
Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics, Makerere University, Kla, UG
Project title: Case study survey at Katende Harembe Rural Urban Training Centre
Undergraduate Student – February 2012 – July 2012
Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics, Makerere University, Kla, UG
Project title: Profitability of tilapia marketing in Central Uganda; A case of six markets in Wakiso and Kampala districts
Bulyaba, R., A.W. Lenssen, K. J. Moore, and O. Semalulu. Limestone application effects on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield and grain iron and zinc on a Ferralsol soil in Uganda. Accepted September 15th 2020 in African Journal of Agricultural Research, AJAR
Bulyaba, R., D. M. Winham, A. W. Lenssen, K. J. Moore, J. D. Kelly, M. A. Brick, E. M. Wright and James. B. Ogg. 2020. Genotype by location effects on yield and seed nutrient composition of common bean. Agronomy 10(3), 347 doi:
Rosemary Bulyaba and Andrew W. Lenssen. 2019. Effect of leaf removal on grain legume yield and nutritional composition of harvested leaves. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 2:180015 doi:10.2134/age2018.06.0015
Rosemary Bulyaba and Andrew W. Lenssen. 2017. Influence of bradyrhizobium inoculation and fungicide seed treatment on development and yield of cowpea, lablab, and soybean. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. Volume 3, doi:10.2134/cftm2017.01.0007
Sustainable, Secure Food Blog (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America). https://sustainable-secure-food 7 Jun, 2020
Presentation on “Food, culture and agronomy” at the student immersion session for the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute at Hilton Coliseum, Iowa State University. 30 Apr, 2018, Ames, Iowa
Presentation on graduate school tips; Surviving Grad School in a sustainable agriculture colloquium and class SUSAG 600, Iowa State University. 30 Aug 2017, Ames, Iowa
Elevator speech presentation for ‘Agronomic Scientific Presentations class, AGRON 601’, Iowa State University. 15 Jan 2015, Ames, Iowa
The impact of education on the lives of children in Uganda at Iowa State Board of Governor’s meeting, Iowa State University. 22 Sep 2014, Ames, Iowa