fas@ucu.ac.ug +256 (0)312 350 837, +256 (0)751410822
fas@ucu.ac.ug +256 (0)312 350 837, +256 (0)751410822

Food Systems

Food systems remain an important aspects of improving crop production and is an invaluable component of enhancing the utilization of African indigenous vegetables crops. There is need to identify relevant stakeholders, if any, in seed production, seed markets, quality management and regulation, as well as determine optimum seed management conditions for the benefit of the producers and consumers. Under Dutch funding from NWO/WOTRO, we conducted research on a gender responsive commercial seed system for African indigenous vegetables. This was in partnership with Hanze University of Applied Sciences and CHAIN Uganda. Further, the crop improvement programs at the Department of Agriculture continue to conduct research and develop seed systems for lesser known indigenous known indigenous vegetables such as Solanum scabrum and Solanum villosum, Vigna spp. Amranthus spp and Hibiscuss spp.