fas@ucu.ac.ug +256 (0)312 350 837, +256 (0)751410822
fas@ucu.ac.ug +256 (0)312 350 837, +256 (0)751410822

Masters of Science in Human Nutrition

Master of Science in Human Nutrition
Entry Requirements
Research and Dissertation
Programme Length
Program structure

Programme Description

The MSHN covers biological aspects of nutrition and applied analytical methods for solving nutrition and lifestyle related problems and challenges. It covers domestic and global policies that impact on nutrition and food security and introduce students to applied research skills for assessment, design, and evaluation of nutrition interventions at individual and community levels, and for diverse and/or vulnerable populations.

Programme Aim

To develop human resource competences in designing, implementing, and managing high quality, efficient and responsive preventive and curative nutrition programmes for individuals and communities. This is consistent with the country’s overall aim of ensuring that all Ugandans are properly nourished and enabled to live healthy and productive lives

Nature of the Programme

The MSHN is a modular program that will be taught employing a blended mode through  Moodle, zoom and physical presence at the university. This is aimed at giving students who are unable to attend class full time, opportunity to learn with minimal interruption to existing career and or family obligations. It also provides an opportunity to allocate the better part of face-face to productive interaction and learning particularly when students are interacting subjects, and research.

Target Group

A cadre of committed individuals including current Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and health professionals interested in advancing their knowledge and skills in nutrition programming, clinical nutrition and dietetics, sports nutrition and exercise nutrition, community nutrition and policy and advocacy.

Agricultural, biological, natural and health sciences, and sports and exercise nutrition with a Bachelors degree (second class and above) or its equivalent from a recognised University. Applicants with lower qualifications must satisfy the Senate that they have acquired academic growth by evidence of research and publications. The program is open to all individuals who fulfil UCU admission requirements.

A candidate may be eligible for admission if she/he falls in one of the following categories:

Direct Entry: Successfully completed a Bachelor of Science degree (Hons) in a health-related field: Clinical medicine, Nutrition and Dietetics, Public/Community Health, Nursing, Food science and technology, Agriculture, Environmental sciences, or other closely related programmes.

Mature-age entry: Aged 25 years and above and has passed mature age entry examinations with 50% from an accredited institution. NCHE shall accredit the mature age entry examinations prior to admission.

Entry onto the Programme: Applicants will be required to: submit a copies of education certificates and CV with full contact information to the Registrar’s office at UCU; have two referees complete confidential reference forms and send them to UCU; include a concept note (Max.1500 words) on a proposed Research area of interest; participate in a personal interview if invited to do so; respect standards and faith of the Uganda Christian University.

All MSHN students are expected to undertake all core modules but specialise by choosing a research dissertation, enterprise, and placement in a chosen track. This is intended to give students the opportunity to be deeply entrenched in that specific field.

The programme shall be covered in two (2) years structured in four (4) semesters. All the modules will be conducted in the first year and the second year dedicated for research, placement, and business development.

Year 1 Semester 1

  • Applied nutrition across Life Cycle
  • Nutrition in prevention & management of Diseases
  • Nutritional Epidemiology
  • Functional foods & Nutraceuticals
  • Nutrition Management and Diet Therapy

Year 1 Semester 2

  • Professional Practice in dietetics
  • Gut Health, Nutrigenomics & Nutrigenetics
  • Food & Nutrition Policy Program Planning & Evaluation
  • Nutrition & Pandemics
  • Advanced Nutrition Research Methods & Biostatistics

Year Two

  • Field Practicum
  • Research Dissertation*
  • Enterprise Food and Nutrition

