+256 (0)31 2350 330, +256 (0)751410822
+256 (0)31 2350 330, +256 (0)751410822

PhD. Agricultural Systems and Value Chain Management

PhD. Agricultural Systems and Value Chain Management
Entry requirements:
Programme Structure
Programme Length

This PhD in Agricultural Systems and Value Chain Management is a blended ODEL-taught programme with a research component. It provides students with the experience of utilizing agricultural research principles to understand and solve real world problems. The primary aim of this PhD programme is to provide students with the critical thinking, knowledge, and technical skills they will need to make agriculture the driver of economic growth and development amidst socio-economic and environmental challenges in the developing world. The potential for employment opportunities for graduates from this programme are with Government, industry, end-user organizations and on live projects that would give a real-life context.

Graduates of the PASV degree program are expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to use a systems approach to design, implement and manage an agricultural development programme
  2. Demonstrate ingenuity in solving problems, openness to competing perspectives, awareness and care for people affected by dysfunctional agricultural value chains
  3. Effectively collect and analyze information, communicate and advise value chain actors on agricultural issues for development

The minimum entry requirements for entry into a Doctorate Degree programme are:

(i). The applicant should be in possession of a relevant Master’s Degree in agricultural related field example. Agri-Business, Agronomy, Botany, Veterinary and Animal production, plant breeding, Biotechnology, soil Science etc or it’s equivalent from a higher education institution recognized by NCHE and a research concept paper that will be reviewed by experts appointed by the institution to establish its clarity, relevancy and suitability.

(ii). Be actively involved in research.

(iii). Proficiency in English, which is a language of instruction at UCU. English proficiency is applicable to international students coming from none English-speaking countries. Students whose proficiency falls below the threshold shall be required to undertake remedial English courses.

In addition:

Documents required:

1. O-level & A-Level Certificates (compulsory)

2. Certified Bachelor’s Degree & Transcript (compulsory)

3. Certified Master’s Degree & Transcript (Compulsory)

4. Concept paper (Compulsory)

5. Reference letters (Compulsory)

6. Motivation letter (Compulsory)

7. CV (Compulsory)

8. Passport Copy (if applicable)

9. Evidence of English Language Proficiency (if applicable)




Year 1 Semester 1

  1. Farming systems in developing countries
  2. Crop & Livestock production for development
  3. Research Methods
  4. International Agricultural Trade
  5. Agricultural Policy Analysis

Year 1 Semester 2

  1. Post-harvest systems and trade
  2. Agricultural Marketing & value chain analysis
  3. Agricultural Information systems
  4. Advanced Christian Ethics
  5. Gender and Value Chain Development
  6. Extension systems administration and Organization

Year 2 to Year 3

Research Project

The programme will run for three years with demarcation into semesters.

  1. The Doctoral programme shall be completed through course works, manuscript development, research, dissertation and successful oral examination. In case the candidate is deemed weak in some specific area, some remedial courses may be recommended to strengthen the candidate in the specialized area of choice
  2. Candidates will be required to register for full time programme, which shall run for a minimum of 36 months and a period not exceeding 60 months unless with prior approved deferment
  3. Candidate may be discontinued on failure to demonstrate positive progress for two consecutive quarters unless with prior approved deferment
  4. The supervision of research, dissertation writing, manuscript development and supervision, submission and examination shall be governed by the Uganda Christian University’s Rules and Regulations as stipulated in the University Statute and Schedule on Doctoral Degree Programmes
  5. The students are required to follow their own interest and specialization by undertaking an in-depth study and writing a dissertation, which is followed by a viva-voce. Each student works under an academic supervisor (s) from the faculty of agricultural Sciences and any other person’s recommended by the Department board of Natural Resource Economics and Agribusiness Management and approved by the Senate